Here is a mixture of emotions and how my love trumps my frustrations or bad days:
Some days with be better than others. Some days drag on for what seems like years. Sometimes you want to curl up in a ball and sob uncontrollably until the day ends. That's ok because this too shall pass. Nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems. It could be worse. Just remember that on the days you feel like you have nothing more to give.
Yes, it's ok to be frustrated, mad, angry, etc... It will get better.. Just remember, it truly will. I, too, have to remind myself that the frustration won't last forever. I look at it this way.. No matter how hard my day was, I can always find a reason or a time that I smiled during the day. I know I was blessed with an amazing son who brought me peace, hope, and gave me a deeper meaning/purpose in life.
Yes, it's hard. Having the full responsibility of raising another life is mind-blowingly challenging. It's also overwhelming, terrifying, and sometimes you have no idea what you are doing. Just know that you are doing well. You are successful, and you will make it! After all, you are loved!
Sometimes you just need to shake it off and remember that it won't always be this irritating, frustrating, etc.. A little time to calm down and a few deep breaths help too.
Here is one of our very frustrating days:
(Nothing went right, we still love each other.)
Then there are times that you are filled with so much happiness and love, your heart could possibly explode. These are the best of times. Sometimes I cry tears of happiness just thinking about how much I love Harry.
Sometimes everything you think and do revolves around the little people you created. They give you such a deeper meaning and purpose in life. It's an indescribable feeling unlike anything you have ever felt... It's an unconditional love that is unstoppable. It's powerful enough to change the world. Having a baby and becoming a parent has got to be the greatest gift and blessing you will ever receive. (In my opinion it is.)
The way that they look you in the eye and instantly love you forever from the smiles, hugs, and kisses you get, being a parent is one special job. It's the most satisfying job where the payment is unconditional love. I am so blessed and lucky to have a son. I remember these things when I get frustrated. Again, this too shall pass.
Mom and son bond:
Sometimes they are filled with endless amounts of happiness which makes everything ok because it engulfs you. I do my best to enjoy all the moments with Harry as I can because I know that it will not last forever. He makes me smile almost all day long. He gives me a deeper purpose and gives me so much love! I can't even put it into words!
I cherish every moment we have together, even the bad ones because I know that I am blessed. I cherish all our kisses and hugs. I love my cuddles with Harry, and I am so thankful to have such a awesome son.
Happy Harry:
The bond that family creates is equally important and forever! We have so much love intertwined between all of us. We always make each other laugh or smile, and we know that we love each other through anything. It's amazing!! Family is forever, and it is beautiful. I have been blessed with two incredible people in my life who worthwhile, complete, and meaningful. They are Scott and Harry... I love them more than they could ever imagine.
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