Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Literal Snow Plow!

It FINALLY "warmed" up outside... I use the term loosely because 15 degrees feels warm compared to the winter we have been having with subzero temperatures everyday.

Anyways, since it was considerably warmer outside, I decided to take the boys outside to play for a few minutes. We desperately needed fresh air. Cece came outside too, and she was thrilled to "play" with us. By playing, she ran circles around the boys while barking and trying to get them to chase her around the backyard. They just laughed at her, so I decided to chase her around the backyard a few times before she got a little too excited...

There she goes. Full speed ahead... She charges over to the boys, but she plowed right into Harry sending him flying through the air followed by a tumble in the snow. Before I could even check to see if Harry was ok, I was already hunched over on the ground laughing so hard that I could not breathe!!! Whoops... I probably should have checked first then laughed..

By the way... Harry was ok, but he certainly was pissed off... I don't think I will be chasing Cece around the backyard when Harry is on the ground anymore. HA!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Spectrum of Emotions and Love

On a daily basis, I swear I experience a whole spectrum of emotions.. Happiness, excitement, love, joy, frustration, fear, anger, doubt, etc... I have my moments. We all do.. I am here to say that I am not perfect. I do the absolute best I can. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it day after day. Time is precious. We only get one childhood with our kids, so why not enjoy it to the absolute fullest! Sure, it won't always be fun and games or even pleasant, but soon enough that adorable little baby will be grown up. I even get tears in my eyes just thinking about it..

Here is a mixture of emotions and how my love trumps my frustrations or bad days:

Some days with be better than others. Some days drag on for what seems like years. Sometimes you want to curl up in a ball and sob uncontrollably until the day ends. That's ok because this too shall pass. Nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems. It could be worse. Just remember that on the days you feel like you have nothing more to give.

Yes, it's ok to be frustrated, mad, angry, etc... It will get better.. Just remember, it truly will. I, too, have to remind myself that the frustration won't last forever. I look at it this way.. No matter how hard my day was, I can always find a reason or a time that I smiled during the day. I know I was blessed with an amazing son who brought me peace, hope, and gave me a deeper meaning/purpose in life.

Yes, it's hard. Having the full responsibility of raising another life is mind-blowingly challenging. It's also overwhelming, terrifying, and sometimes you have no idea what you are doing. Just know that you are doing well. You are successful, and you will make it! After all, you are loved!

Sometimes you just need to shake it off and remember that it won't always be this irritating, frustrating, etc.. A little time to calm down and a few deep breaths help too.

Here is one of our very frustrating days:
(Nothing went right, we still love each other.)

Then there are times that you are filled with so much happiness and love, your heart could possibly explode. These are the best of times. Sometimes I cry tears of happiness just thinking about how much I love Harry.

Sometimes everything you think and do revolves around the little people you created. They give you such a deeper meaning and purpose in life. It's an indescribable feeling unlike anything you have ever felt... It's an unconditional love that is unstoppable. It's powerful enough to change the world. Having a baby and becoming a parent has got to be the greatest gift and blessing you will ever receive. (In my opinion it is.)

The way that they look you in the eye and instantly love you forever from the smiles, hugs, and kisses you get, being a parent is one special job. It's the most satisfying job where the payment is unconditional love. I am so blessed and lucky to have a son. I remember these things when I get frustrated. Again, this too shall pass.

Mom and son bond:

Sometimes they are filled with endless amounts of happiness which makes everything ok because it engulfs you. I do my best to enjoy all the moments with Harry as I can because I know that it will not last forever. He makes me smile almost all day long. He gives me a deeper purpose and gives me so much love! I can't even put it into words!

I cherish every moment we have together, even the bad ones because I know that I am blessed. I cherish all our kisses and hugs. I love my cuddles with Harry, and I am so thankful to have such a awesome son.

Happy Harry:

The bond that family creates is equally important and forever! We have so much love intertwined between all of us. We always make each other laugh or smile, and we know that we love each other through anything. It's amazing!! Family is forever, and it is beautiful. I have been blessed with two incredible people in my life who worthwhile, complete, and meaningful. They are Scott and Harry... I love them more than they could ever imagine.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Breast Milk Berry Muffins!! Don't knock it...

Have extra breast milk and need a use for it? Make berry muffins!!! I have tons of extra breast milk in the freezer, so I am always finding other uses for it. Why not?!

Breast milk is full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, proteins, antibodies, and so much more! These muffins are packed full of nutrients for kids (and adults too)!!!


**You can also use regular milk too!**

Here's what you need:

2 1/2 cups (325 grams) all-purpose flour

3/4 cup (150 grams) granulated white sugar OR unsweetened applesauce

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 large egg, lightly beaten

1 cup (240 ml) breast milk

1/2 cup (120 ml) canola oil

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1 1/2 to 2 cups (360-480 ml) fresh or frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries)

**Yes, I did in fact use store brand ingredients!! I know. I know. Shame on me! Just kidding!**

What to do:

1. First, preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Spray with a non stick cooking spray 12 - 2 3/4 x 1 1/2 inch muffin cups. Set aside.

2. In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and sugar or applesauce. Then, gently mix in the berries.
NOTE: I used applesauce in place of sugar.

3. In another large bowl, whisk together the breast milk, egg, oil, and vanilla.

4. Then, slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Stir with a rubber spatula only until the ingredients are combined. Do not over mix the batter or tough muffins will result.

5. With a large spoon, scoop the batter and place into the muffin cups. It should fill all 12 muffin cups to the top.

6. Once all 12 muffin cups are filled, place into the oven for about 20-26 minutes.

7. To test if they are done, use a toothpick and poke the center of the muffins. If the toothpick comes out clean, your muffins are done!

8. Enjoy!!! Harry approves!! :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Edible Paint?!?!

Here is another fun indoor activity! We made our paint today, AND it was edible!! Yeah!!!

Here is what you need (for each color):
1 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup corn starch
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 tablespoons of milk
Food coloring

1. Pour the powdered sugar and corn starch into a bowl. Then mix it together.
2. Add the vanilla and milk. Then stir until the mixture becomes gooey and runny.
3. Then add food coloring and mix! You now have paint!!!

**Note: You can also use this recipe for frosting or icing.**

Here is Harry enjoying himself! Harry ate most of his paint! Ha ha!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stuck inside??

Let's face it... No one wants to be trapped inside all day long! Well, maybe some people do, but that's just silly! Due to these unusual ungodly frigid temperatures this winter, we have been trapped inside. We have been going stir crazy... Well, mostly me!! If we had to play with the same toys again, I was going to go insane! So I came up with an idea... A pool party! I know what you are thinking. It's too cold! Ha! You are wrong!

Here's what you do! You crank the heat to 70 degrees (or hotter if you desire), you put your bathing suits on, fill up the bath tub with warm water, and you go "swimming" in the bath tub! It's as simple as that!! It's a lot of fun too!! :) You can also put some toys and bubble bath in the water to spice things up!

Harry had a blast today!! What a fun activity to keep things sane today!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why is Harry angry?!

The toddler years are full of new and exciting things, and you see their little personalities come alive as they are discovering their world around them!! With that also comes frustration, anger, and tantrums. Let's face it. A toddler's day is not always full of rainbows and butterflies and clouds made of marshmallows. So you ask yourself: why is my child angry?? Here are 67 reasons why my child MIGHT be angry... Key word: might. If none of them fit, then you are out of luck!

1. Don't know...
2. Still don't know...
3. STILL don't know!
4. He is tired!
5. He is ready for bed NOW.
6. He is hungry.
7. He is hungry NOW and does NOT want to wait.
8. He is teething.
9. You wiped his nose. (BIG mistake)
10. You wiped his face.
11. You washed his face.
12. You tried washing his hands. (Who needs clean hands anyways?!)
13. He pooped.
14. He is having trouble pooping.
15. He peed.
16. You changed his diaper!!!
17. You wiped his butt. How could you?!
18. It's time to put on pajamas.
19. He needs to get dressed in the morning.
20. You pulled his shirt over his head.
21. His sock is crooked.
22. He's "too busy" for you.
23. You interrupted his play time to change his diaper. (It's now a MAJOR existential crisis!)
24. He doesn't want to play with you.
25. The dog walked near him.
26. The dog took HER toy away from him.
27. You took the dog toy away from him.
28. The dog won't play with him.
29. You won't share your dinner.
30. You won't share your Coke with him. (Toddlers can have caffeine! Not!)
31. It's too cold.
32. It's too hot.
33. You stopped paying attention to him.
34. You left the room for a moment.
35. His toy car doesn't work correctly on the carpet. Duh...
36. He can't walk yet, and he wants to do it!!
37. He fell. (It is appropriate to laugh, as long as he is ok!)
38. His pants are sagging. (But don't try to fix them because he will freak out more.)
39. He hit himself in the face with a toy on accident. (It was quite funny. Not going to lie...)
40. You read his bed time stories out of order. (He WILL notice. Can you say OCD?!)
41. You read a new story at bed time.
42. He's too tired for bed time stories.
43. He's impatient and needs immediate gratification when he is playing with his toys. (It doesn't always work that way.)
44. He bumped his tooth.
45. He bit his lip.
46. You put lotion on him!!
47. You told him "No" when he was doing something that he shouldn't have been doing.
48. You stopped him from sticking his face in the dog's water.
49. You stopped him from licking the dog food bowl.
50. You stopped from drinking toilet water!!
51. You stopped him from eating toilet paper or just paper in general.
52. You chased after him.
53. You took the leaf away that he was eating.
54. You had to put his sweater/coat on him.
55. You stacked his cups!!
56. You cleaned ear wax out of his ear!! (Gross!!)
57. You helped him put his winter coat on.
58. He wants more yogurt.
59. The dog knocked him over. (Ok, let's face it. It was hilarious. You laughed.)
60. He needs his allergy medication.
61. You touched his hair. (Don't do it...)
62. He had a nightmare!! (or night terror?? Either way, this one is scary!!)
63. You couldn't understand what he was trying to say. (Shame on you!)
64. He hates food... (Just go with it.)
65. He did NOT want his birthday cake.
66. You are bothering him.
67. He's a toddler... No other explanation needed... (Really...)