Monday, August 18, 2014

Responsibility Chart

Believe it or not, but toddlers cam have responsibility too! Of course, you wouldn't give him the responsibility of mowing the lawn, weeding the garden, cooking dinner, etc.... They can certainly do simple around the house though. It is important to teach them responsibility too!

Harry loves to help feed Cece (our dog) breakfast in the mornings. We decided to give him the responsibility of feeding her. Of course, I am there supervising him. He does a great job feeding her, but he puts one piece of food in the bowl at a time. Ha! Cece is so patient with him and quietly waits until Harry tells her to eat. The magic word is "ok" or "go"...

Since he has been expressing interest in feeding her and helping feed her for awhile now, I made him a chart. (I have a degree in Emotional Impairment. Trust me. I know what I am doing.)

I made a very simple chart with poster board and construction paper. I cut out and card holders for each day. Then I made yes and no cards for each day.

Here's how it works:

*If Harry feeds Cece breakfast, then he gets a "yes" for that day.

*If Harry does not feed Cece breakfast, then he gets a "no" for the day.

*If Harry get 7 "yes", then he will get a reward of some sort on Saturdays. 

*Note: Harry is NOT punished for not feeding Cece. He is NOT punished for getting a "no" either. This is a simple way to teach him to follow through on a weekly/daily task.

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